Sunday, December 8, 2013

{Our FIRST Snow}

It came down for hours! I think it only ended up being 4-5 inches but we enjoyed it!

Oscar LOVED running around in it! 

Lucy had a blast playing in it! She made her first snow angel! 

Charlie wasn't so sure… he couldn't move at all in his snowsuit.
He kind of looked like a little space monkey, hehe :)

Daddy & Lucy both have red cheeks here, I love it! 

Snowflake in front of Mommy's face: Take 1

Sliding in the snow!

He came flying off and almost flew into the camera, but it was totally worth it to capture this face, haha!

Lucy decided to go down on her belly instead, thank goodness for ski bibs! 

Snowflake in front of Mommy's face: Take 2!
Too many good pictures not to include them all. We had a lot of fun with our first snow! 

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