Sunday, April 13, 2014

Easter Portraits - Spring Promises of Renewal

You can't tell from their PERFECT little faces but they are also tantrum throwers and up 5 times a night-ers! Regardless, these two are my pride and joy. They give me so much more of a purpose than any job ever has. They make me want to be a better person. Mommy is feeling a little worn out from that long, harsh winter - but also glad to welcome the warmer weather this week!  Looking forward to long walks pushing the stroller in the sunshine and countless hours at playgrounds and battling bugs because of the backdoor opening & closing constantly. Looking forward to farmers markets & spending time with/making friends and backyard cookouts. 
 So handsome! Just like his daddy :) He is a race-walker! He hasn't quite figured out how to run yet but he can sure get those legs going so fast that I have to run to catch him! He is fearless & constantly exploring! 
 She needs to stop growing - she seems to be stepping out of toddlerhood and into being a big kid. She talks so much & has her very vocal opinions... she even is picking out what she likes at the stores and restaurants already... 
Happy Easter! He is Risen! Thank you Lord for giving your only Son so our sins may be forgiven! 

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