Sunday, December 9, 2012

Baby Boy Was Born!

Daddy had a race today- the Natural Bridge Caverns Duathlon.
He got 1st in his age group! 
Mommy held Lucy a lot that morning. And walked around a lot. 
And you had already been feeling lower to me. 
In this picture the bottom of my belly is sticking our form under my shirt (oops!)
I guess that was you saying "hey I'll see you guys soon!"
 Contractions started suddenly that afternoon. And they weren't far apart. About 2 minutes apart. I hadn't experienced it this suddenly with Lucy and was totally shocked! When we got to the hospital the nurse said you were on your way - so they called my Doctor and you were delivered via cesarian just over an hour later, at 7:15pm December 9, 2012,
Welcome to the world Charles Blake! 
It all happened so quick! I knew you were going to be a c-section baby because your sister had been one and she was only 15 months old. They recommend not doing a VBAC within 18 months of a c-section. I started having contractions and two hours later, I was in recovery. It was super quick. And there were no problems. You came out screaming and breathing fine. I got to see your perfect little face then I went into recovery.

 This was in the delivery room - they said you were fine there. A healthy 6 lb 1 oz baby boy who just decided to make his appearance a few weeks early. 
 So they took you to the nursery & Daddy got to see you through the glass & so did your sister & Annie and Papa, briefly. Then they thought you needed closer monitoring so they moved you to the NICU. 
 Look at you all stretched out and happy! You have no idea what is about to happen. 
 When I got out of recovery and into my room, they told me that they had taken you to the NICU. 
I was devastated. I was laid out, just had a c-section. They told me I couldn't see you until I could walk a lap around the delivery floor to show I was strong enough to be approved to leave my room (they couldn't roll my giant bed over there) so I had the nurse and Blake help me to stand up and unhook me from my monitors. I was fine, and I'd be damned if I was going to let anything keep me from seeing you!!! So I walked my lap around the delivery floor and they gave us a wheelchair and your Daddy wheeled me to the other area of the hospital where they have the NICU. It felt wrong on so many levels that I didn't get to hold you until you were covered in tubes and cords. It completely broke my heart to see you like that.
 I love you, Charlie. Mommy & Daddy both love you so much! 
 Needless to say, it was rather hard to get you to latch, but you did! Even with the dang feeding tube…
But since it was easier for you, I began pumping and fed you with a bottle.  Which also made me a cow when it came to milk production. I filled up our home freezer. And our section of the freezer at the NICU. They told me not to bring in any more milk your last few days there.
I was just doing the only things I could do for you: hold you & feed you.

 My precious, tough little man! 
 Daddy & Charlie
Daddy is one tough man, he was so strong for you and for mommy through your whole stay at the NICU. He was encouraging even though he didn't know when we would be able to be home as a family. He stayed calm, at least externally! He did determine that you would be a charlie fox for your first halloween, but that is for another post :) 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Concordia's Fall Fest

Lucys favorite part was the pony ride! 
 She even kicked her heels in to make the horse go… I didn't realize we were born like that..
I thought that took training. Apparently not for this little Texan! Giddy Up! 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lucy the Jack-O-Lantern!

Happy Halloween 2012! 
Lucy made it to about 4-5 houses around the block. She is still pretty new to walking and asked Daddy to hold her after the first house. So we walked around the block and let her walk up for a few houses that looked little-kid-friendly! She had fun! Isn't she just the cutest little pumpkin!?!?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Maternity Pictures: Baby #2!

We had Elizabeth do our maternity photos again when we had little Charlie on the way. 
Lucy doesn't look big enough to be a big sister, but when Charlie gets here I know she will seem bigger!

We love this photo!
 Lucy loves being swung and this field overlooking the Guadalupe River was perfect! 
We love all our photographs! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Getting Ready for Charles!

We are getting ready for the arrival of our little boy! 
His room is painted. 
Daddy is reassembling the nursery furniture in the room. 
We have tons of little boy clothes and blankets his grandmothers bought for him. 
We already picked out his name: Charles Blake
We are only 19 weeks along.
Can you tell we are enthusiastic?