Monday, December 8, 2014

The second half of the year in summary

We just got back from the trip-of-a-lifetime & we were enjoying the "warmth" of summer in New Jersey.  The great thing about the Garden state is that we got to pick strawberries/blueberries/apples/peaches/plums/nectarines/corn/pumpkins and more from June-September! We had fun making homemade things with our hand picked produce!

The White House decided to downsize the military this year. Some members received notice while deployed that they were being separated from service. The Air Force had a few waves of voluntary separations as well as involuntary. We were considering voluntary separation for several reasons. We wanted to get back to Texas (not fans of the north!) and we wanted to be near & help some of our family that was going through rough times. Blake was ready to pursue other career opportunities and find something fulfilling. We didn't fit the requirement the first go round, but we did the second. Although we thought it was a shot in the dark due to the restrictions on his career field, Blake applied for separation.

We found out that our first attempts at adding a third child to our family were a success! 

We continued doing everything we could to enjoy the part of the country we were in. Blake had races,  we traveled to the Jersey Shore and NYC and Niagara Falls and Washington DC!

Then we found out we approved for separation. Wow. What did this mean? When would this happen? Blake had to get his resume done & we had to start seriously thinking about what the future held for us, outside of the military life we had come to know over the past 7 years. We knew we would move back to our house in San Antonio. Our renters had just moved out & we hadn't gotten a new tenant in yet, all part of God's plan! We wanted our kids to be close to their cousins who were living with Blake's parents while their mom & dad pursued school and jobs.  I have fond memories of spending time with my cousins growing up, and I want the same for my children.

Blake's final out date was the first of October. Then we were on our way down to Texas. Pregnant, moving, with two toddlers and a dog. No job lined up. The house was a wreck from the awful contractor I'd hired to refinished the ceilings and paint the walls. The truck was doing door-to-door delivery so we wouldn't have to have our stuff go into storage and lose things/have things broken. It was wild times & a few serious patterns of contractions reminded me to keep my cool!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Maycation 2014 (Playing catch up!)

We had crazy weather this winter/spring in New Jersey. Then we took a space-available hop over to Ramstein in a C-5 and enjoyed the trip of a lifetime: Maycation in Europe! We were there for three weeks and visited the Suess family in Frankfurt, then drove to Paris, then through the french countryside and stayed at Hotel-du-lac and had the most amazing meal of our entire trip. Next we went to Switzerland and stayed at an awesome hotel on the water of Lake Gevona, within sight of the Chillon Castle. The next day we drove to Italy to meet my family, we hadn't planned where we were staying that night and ended up at the Best Western Hotel in Brescia, Italy. we checked in late at night and when we went to our room, it was locked from the inside. then we heard voices then the "hotel manager" answered while tucking in his shirt as a girl slipped out the neighboring rooms door. We should have left but we so exhausted from 12 hours of driving. The manager couldn't keep his eyes off the crown jewel around my neck, aka my Canon 5DMii professional camera. The next morning during breakfast he stole it from our room. I believe karma will get him one day, and the anger I felt towards him and the helplessness of the police not believing what happened, everything just made me the most angry I had ever been at a person. But I had my phone and it takes decent pictures, and the kids had no idea what was going on, and I have insurance, and we still had a couple weeks left of vacation... so I had to try to forget and carry on. My parents made it to us later that morning once we had filed the police report & we got out of Brescia never to return again. It was no better in the daylight than it was when we pulled in at night, very poor area and filled with immigrants and sketchy looking people.

We went to the coastal town of Rimini where Blake had his first ever international triathlon experience. Then we transversed the Italian countryside for three days on our way to Rome where we saw the great coliseum and St Peters Bascilia and Vatican city, both as wonderful to see as you can imagine. Lots of tourists/pilgrims! Then we went on up to Pisa and the next day said goodbye to my parents and drove 14 hours to return to Ramstein AFB in Germany.  we checked Italy off our travel list and saw everything we needed too there. We would love to see more of Germany and Switzerland was absolutely stunning! One day we will make it back over there.

 Chillon Castle @ Montreaux, Switzerland

Eiffel Tower @ Paris, France

Leaning Tower of Pisa

St Peters @ the Vatican

Monday, April 14, 2014

Dandelions & Military Kids

I mowed the lawn yesterday only to find tons of dandelions when we went outside this morning. Some might call dandelions "weeds", but I was not upset at all to see them mixed in with the grass. They really can grow well anywhere, they are adaptable and resistant to pesticides and no one wants to mess with them because they have protective prickles! 
April is the month of the military child, and the dandelion is the flower of the military child. 
Military children are adaptable, they are outgoing, they can grow anywhere, they are resistant to negativity, and they are tough!  
I know this isn't an easy way of life for anyone, but it is our life. The service member and their whole family contribute. There are sacrifices for every member of the family. So I thank my wonderful children, who had to be uprooted from their big house with lots of room to run around inside on colder days and a big yard with a pool for summer days and one set of grandparents down the street and the other set only a few hours away...  and thrown up here in NJ, so far away from everything they have ever known. SO far away from all the extra hugs & kisses they deserve regularly from their grandparents! They amaze me everyday~ Lucy makes friends everywhere she goes & Charlie is such a sweet boy! 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Easter Portraits - Spring Promises of Renewal

You can't tell from their PERFECT little faces but they are also tantrum throwers and up 5 times a night-ers! Regardless, these two are my pride and joy. They give me so much more of a purpose than any job ever has. They make me want to be a better person. Mommy is feeling a little worn out from that long, harsh winter - but also glad to welcome the warmer weather this week!  Looking forward to long walks pushing the stroller in the sunshine and countless hours at playgrounds and battling bugs because of the backdoor opening & closing constantly. Looking forward to farmers markets & spending time with/making friends and backyard cookouts. 
 So handsome! Just like his daddy :) He is a race-walker! He hasn't quite figured out how to run yet but he can sure get those legs going so fast that I have to run to catch him! He is fearless & constantly exploring! 
 She needs to stop growing - she seems to be stepping out of toddlerhood and into being a big kid. She talks so much & has her very vocal opinions... she even is picking out what she likes at the stores and restaurants already... 
Happy Easter! He is Risen! Thank you Lord for giving your only Son so our sins may be forgiven! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014


We had the most lovely drive back up to New Hope today! We saw this location while cycling yesterday and I knew I wanted to come back here at sunset with my family! When we arrived I immediately started working with my camera settings (being an all-manual girl now) and got the battery grip with timer set up at a 5 second interval on the tripod. I ran back a few times and adjusted the tripod & settings and focus. I wouldn't recommend this to the average person! We did have fun though & I got lots of blooper shots :) And a few like the one above, that I will get developed through my lab… BIG!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cycling to New Hope

Blake can still shoot of into the distance while trying to go "slow" on his road bike with the kids and our picnic in the bike trailer behind him. Meanwhile, mommy is back here putting along at 16mph feeling very winded!
 They are good little travelers! Glad the trailer is wind proof, because it was 
gusty on this warm 55 degree day! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Mardi Gras!

Wishing you & your family a very Happy Fat Tuesday! Eat, Drink, and be merry - for tomorrow we fast! What are you "giving up" for lent this year? I am not giving up coffee or chocolate or any material thing actually… I'm trying to retrain myself - not to be so quick to anger. It's a big task to remain calm when you walk into the bathroom to the sound of "I pooped mama" and see that, in fact, there is poop everywhere… but she did *try* to take off the sleep diaper and finishing in the potty… oh parenting, you really know how to bring out the imperfections in a mother!  …but aren't they so cute?!?!