Sunday, December 25, 2011

{Lucy's First Christmas!}

Lucy was 4 months old for her first Christmas! 
 Checking out her stocking:
 Papa made her a rattle- all from one piece of wood! 
 Annie & Papa with their only Granddaughter! 
 Mommy & Daddy LOVE you Lucy! 
 SHe is one kissable baby! 
 We did a little tree this year, since mommy is still working & 
wanted to spend every minute she had at home with her sweet baby! 
Lucy, the little doll baby! 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Drive Thru Nativity!

We volunteered to be the holy family for Concordia's Drive Thru Nativity.
Lucy got to be baby Jesus & she did a wonderful job both nights! 
She was only a few months old so she slept most of the time.