Monday, August 1, 2011

Baby Girl Was Born!

 We went to the hospital on Sunday morning and Lucy was born Monday night. I was in labor for 36 hours and actively pushed for over 2 hours until they realized she had turned "sunny side up" and couldn't come out that was. Her heart rate was dropping from the stress so they did an emergency C-section. And she was born at 7:05pm, August 1, 2011. Our precious little angel, Lucille Rae!

Daddy got to hold you for a whole hour all by himself while mommy was in recovery! It's no wonder why you are Daddy's little girl!  

 I finally got to hold in my arms the precious baby I had grown in my belly! Feeling your warm little tiny body on my chest for the first time. Feeling that feeling of motherhood for the first time… thank you for making me a mother, Lucy.
We were so tired, but so in love from the moment we saw you! 
Well before that, actually :) 
You are perfect.