Sunday, December 25, 2011

{Lucy's First Christmas!}

Lucy was 4 months old for her first Christmas! 
 Checking out her stocking:
 Papa made her a rattle- all from one piece of wood! 
 Annie & Papa with their only Granddaughter! 
 Mommy & Daddy LOVE you Lucy! 
 SHe is one kissable baby! 
 We did a little tree this year, since mommy is still working & 
wanted to spend every minute she had at home with her sweet baby! 
Lucy, the little doll baby! 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Drive Thru Nativity!

We volunteered to be the holy family for Concordia's Drive Thru Nativity.
Lucy got to be baby Jesus & she did a wonderful job both nights! 
She was only a few months old so she slept most of the time. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Little Crawfish

Lucy was a crawfish for her first halloween & so was Oscar! 
 Now those are a couple of cute mudbugs! 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

First Family Photos!

We had our first family photos done by Elizabeth when Lucy was two and a half months old.
Elizabeth is an absolutely amazing photographer and I felt honored to have her take our photos!
I would recommend her in a heart beat!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lucy's Baptism

Lucy in her Baptismal gown
 Lucy was baptized at Concordia and her Godparents are Jesse & Lauren Boyter.
She is such a doll! 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Baby Girl Was Born!

 We went to the hospital on Sunday morning and Lucy was born Monday night. I was in labor for 36 hours and actively pushed for over 2 hours until they realized she had turned "sunny side up" and couldn't come out that was. Her heart rate was dropping from the stress so they did an emergency C-section. And she was born at 7:05pm, August 1, 2011. Our precious little angel, Lucille Rae!

Daddy got to hold you for a whole hour all by himself while mommy was in recovery! It's no wonder why you are Daddy's little girl!  

 I finally got to hold in my arms the precious baby I had grown in my belly! Feeling your warm little tiny body on my chest for the first time. Feeling that feeling of motherhood for the first time… thank you for making me a mother, Lucy.
We were so tired, but so in love from the moment we saw you! 
Well before that, actually :) 
You are perfect. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Baby Shower in San Antonio

Jennifer threw a lovely baby shower with a "Cupcakes & Tea" theme! 
 I was so happy to see friends old and new show up! In attendance was Annie, Jennifer, Ashley Franz, Lauren Boyter, and Brooke Kiecke even made an appearance! 
 And I can't forget little Liliana and Elijah who kept us entertained! 
It was a lovely & beautiful party. I can't wait to hold my baby! 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

{Surprise} Baby Shower in Lafayette

We went to Lafayette for Celeste's High school graduation & 
Aunt Cher & Aunt Tammy had planned a surprise baby shower!
I might have heard rumors before….
But I was definitely surprised by the show of love & support! 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Maternity Photos

We participated in Elizabeth's Spring Family Photo Days:
We had some adorable photos of us taken by Elizabeth at the San Antonio Botanical Gardens
I had never been there before and it was lovely. 
We had a lot of fun and of course loved all of the photos!
We are so excited for our little girl to arrive. Everything is pretty much ready in her room!